Shakaya Leone

Open to Receive:
The Divine Wants You to Be RICH!

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Shakaya’s Free Gift:

Open to Receive Everything You Desire and Deserve ~ Masterclass with Shakaya

Women today are struggling to receive in their lives. They are achieving, but not receiving.

It’s easy to see why this happens. We are trained to think if we do more, we’ll get more, but the problem is we end up being drained and depleted instead!

I’ve discovered that receiving is a SKILL, and every woman is required to learn this if she wants to experience more ease and grace and ABUNDANT FLOW in her life. 

In this masterclass, I will be sharing some of my Receiving SECRETS to Open your Receiving to all the Love, Prosperity, Opportunity and Fulfillment you desire and deserve. I can’t wait to share this with you! 

With Love and Abundance,

P.S. One of the things I’m going to REVEAL is the hidden LIE about Receiving that is holding most women back from the very things they want the most– and if it’s affecting YOU, your Receiving channels will never be fully activated – until NOW.

Click here to claim Shakaya’s free gift!

Shakaya Leone is an Earth Empress and Professional Artist who elevates a woman's life into an experience of exquisite, feminine, sensual beauty.

She says, “After a decade of mentoring women I am over the moon to be offering my original art. Guided by my Muse, Earth Empress, I am inspired to paint portraits of the Divine Feminine and Abstracts of Light.

Women responded, my paintings started selling immediately, and I have been having $10K – $20K months creating beauty ever since! A new career was born at age 55, I happily and gracefully said ‘Yes’.”