Satyen and Suzanne Raja

Transcendent Leadership:
The Sacred Path of Integrating Business with Divine Purpose

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Satyen and Suzanne’s Free Gift:

The Five Pillars of an Enlightened Entrepreneur

Your gift includes both a self-assessment and WarriorSage teachings specifically designed for entrepreneurs on the path of conscious growth. We cover the five pillars of being an enlightened entrepreneur:

  • Enlightened Power

  • Enlightened Love

  • Enlightened Freedom

  • Enlightened Wisdom

  • Enlightened Flow State

You’ll have the chance to assess these dimensions for yourself, and receive teachings about each one, offering you wisdom, insights, and the chance to recognize your strengths on each of these dimensions, as well as identify, and improve upon, any blind spots or weaknesses.

Beyond the words, this is also a chance to receive the deeper consciousness transmissions and activations underpinning them.

Click here to claim Satyen and Suzanne’s free gift!

Satyen and Suzanne Raja are co-founders of WarriorSage, the multi-million dollar transformational leadership academy that has trained over 100,000 people worldwide. For over 35 years, they have been masterful guides for rapid and powerful transformation, spiritual evolution and ecstatic living for accomplished leaders who yearn for an existence beyond the goals of wealth, status and success.

Satyen is a world-renowned Teacher, Mentor, and Guide deemed the ‘CEO Oracle’ for his extraordinary ability to move companies beyond the old business model of struggle into a new paradigm of passion, purpose, freedom, and the magic of the flow.

He has been building and scaling businesses for over 30 years, founding a multitude of companies and launching them to the apex of success. His Transcendent Leadership programs feature exclusive coaching, private mentorship, group trainings and intensives, retreats and Spiritual Adventure Tours designed to bring CEOs, Founders, and entrepreneurs into deeper work-life balance, self-realization, and illumination of their soul’s mission and purpose.

Suzanne has privately coached business leaders, stage performers, CEOs of multi-national corporations, high-profile Public Speakers and noted physicians among others.  Her dynamic and heart-centered style has led her to speak on stages internationally, leading groups for Peak Potentials as well as Entrepreneurs Organization. She has been called “one of the foremost leaders and pioneers of the women’s transformational movement."