Philip Attar

Embodying Your Highest Purpose as a Vessel of God/Living Intelligence

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Philip’s Free Gift:

How Merging With the Living Intelligence of Your Suppressed Blocks Unlocks the DNA Potential of Your Highest Purpose

This is a free 35 minute clip from inside Philip & Amanda-Lee's Living Immersion Method 12-week Program.

In this session recording with LIM students, you get a glimpse of how over 5 weeks, kinesthetically merging with the Living Intelligence within every cell empowers you to unlock an infinite source of suppressed energy and data.

This merging with the alive energy suppressed in your body and energy field naturally transmutes your most persistent blocks in sacred union, purpose, business, and finances as a clearer vessel of God/Living Intelligence, as it is now less tethered to collective conditioned programming.

The Living Immersion is the lost HOW to let go let God at the DNA level.

Click here to claim Philip’s free gift!

Philip Attar founded his practice in 2015 after transforming his own life from dis-ease into ease. In 2010, the stresses of his NYC Creative Director career and a family death took their toll on his nervous system. This activated Graves' Ophthalmopathy disease and Philip became cross-eyed with bulging eyes. This led Philip to surrender every ounce of his will and completely 'let go let God.'

Through a somatic surrendering process divinely led by Yeshua/Ra Consciousness energies, he discovered that when you release deep quantum tensions in your body, you can self-induce a cellular kinesthetic healing state, activate your immune system, and amplify your electromagnetic field.

Philip was able to self-regulate without medications, leading to the development of his healing Somatic Heart™ Method. Now, in union with his wife Amanda-Lee Attar, he has advanced his method into the sovereign Living Immersion Method™ — the lost HOW to let go let God.